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6th-12th Course Descriptions




Mission Statement for Middle and High School Language Arts: The goal of the middle and high school Language Arts program  is to assist students in their discovery of God and His ways through the study of literature, articulate, careful and creative writing and to prepare students for an academic career at the university level. “So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.” Nehemiah 8:8 “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” ~Romans 15:4


Sixth Grade: This class fosters an appreciation of language as a gift from God.  Students will focus on skills in the following areas: grammar, usage, mechanics, writing, and the writing process, speaking, listening, vocabulary, spelling, reading, study reference and test taking. Students develop the correct use of English grammar in written and oral communication, use the writing process to create different types of compositions, develop higher-level thinking skills, including a repertoire of questioning strategies, summarizing and retelling skills, and strategies in literal, interpretive, critical, and evaluative comprehension. A variety of literature and independent reading foster appreciation of different genres of literature.  A vocabulary, spelling program and handwriting curriculum provides exercises to increase those skills. 


Genres of Literature 1 & 2 Grades 7-8

In Genres of Literature 1 and 2, students develop grammar and writing mechanics with the emphasis of increasing composition skills and styles of writing relating to the particular reading selections of the year. Genres of Literature 1 reading selections focus on historical nonfiction, mystery, drama and biography. Genres of Literature 2 reading selections focus on poetry, general fiction, graphic novels, fantasy and science fiction.


Classical Literature Grades 9-10

Classical Literature is a survey of Greek myths, drama, epics, and British legends. Students study the classics and the connections between the past and present. Writing emphasizes fiction and nonfiction styles as the students analyze the human condition in a timeless context.


World Literature Grades 9-10

World Literature is a survey of literature from various regions around the world, familiarizing students with global cultures and concepts. Writing emphasizes fiction and nonfiction styles as the students build compassion and understanding of the diversity of humans and all Creation.


American Literature Grades 11-12

American Literature is a survey of American works with teacher-led discussions about race, power, the American Dream and the role of our Christian values when navigating those issues. Students refine fiction and non-fiction writing skills.


British Literature Grades 11-12

British Literature is a survey of British works with teacher-led discussions about human character, emotion, national destiny, pride and disillusionment and the role of our Christian values when navigating those issues. Students complete fiction and non-fiction writing projects.



Mission Statement for Middle and High School Mathematics: The goal of the middle and high school mathematics program is to investigate mathematical concepts and truth to show the importance of order and understanding so that students appreciate God’s view of the universe. “For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.” Romans 1:20


Sixth Grade: Sixth grade will continue to study whole numbers, decimals, and rational numbers (fractions).  Students will use ratios and proportions to compare data sets, make conversions within a given measurement system, and classify and measure two- and three-dimensional figures. They will collect, analyze, display, and interpret data, using a variety of graphical and statistical methods; use integers and percentages; find the probability of an event; and investigate numerical and geometric patterns. Students will use algebraic terms, inequalities and solve one or more variables within algebraic equations.


Fundamentals of Math Grade 7

This course teaches students how to solve problems involving consumer applications, use proportional reasoning, and will progresses to computations with integers. An understanding of the properties of real numbers, solving one-step linear equations and inequalities are used. Students will have the ability to compute with rational numbers (positive and negative fractions, positive and negative decimals, whole numbers, and integers) and use proportions to solve problems. Students will apply the Pythagorean Theorem and represent relations and functions using tables, graphs, and rules.


Pre-Algebra Grade 8 or Advanced Placement

The major emphasis of this course are rational numbers, proportionality, measurement, data collection and analysis, probability, and beginning algebra concepts.  Students develop a deep understanding of rational number concepts, become proficient in rational number computation and learn the relationship among fractions, decimals, and percents. Students apply the Pythagorean Theorem and represent relations and functions using tables, graphs, and rules.


Algebra 1 Grades 9-12

This course examines the basic structure of real numbers, algebraic expressions, and functions. The topics studied are linear equations, inequalities, functions and systems, quadratic equations and functions, polynomial expressions, data analysis, probability, and the elementary properties of functions. Mathematical modeling of real-life problems and problem-solving are major themes of the course. Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Pre-Algebra.


Geometry Grades 10-12 

Students study Geometry as a mathematical system through the deductive development of relationships in the plane and space developed intuitively in previous years. Students study congruent segments and angles, circle chords, secants and tangent segments, parallel and perpendicular lines, angle measure in triangles, direct and indirect triangle congruence and similarity, proofs, solids of revolution, logic, similar triangles, transformations, the Pythagorean Theorem, geometric constructions, coordinate geometry, and surface area and volume of solids.


Algebra 2 Grades 11-12

Algebra 2 is the study of the complex number system, symbolic manipulation, and functions. Students discuss, represent, and solve increasingly sophisticated real-world problems using advanced algebraic and data analysis techniques incorporating technology. They also study the properties of functions, the algebra of functions, matrices, and systems of equations. Students master linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, and rational functions with an emphasis on making connections to other disciplines and as preparation for a multitude of careers. Students apply advanced data analysis techniques to find, justify and use the best-fit model from all function models. Communication of the problem-solving skills used is an important part of this course. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 1 and Geometry


Pre-Calculus Grade 12

Pre-Calculus completes the formal study of the elementary functions begun in Algebra 1 and Algebra 2. Students focus on the use of technology, modeling, and problem solving involving data analysis, trigonometric and circular functions, their inverses, polar coordinates, complex numbers, conics, and quadratic relations. Discrete topics include the Principles of Mathematical Induction, the Binomial Theorem, and sequences and series. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2.




Mission Statement for Middle and High School Science: The goal of the middle and high school science program is to instill into the student’s hearts the understanding of scientific processes and their alignment with the Word of God. “You are the Lord, you alone. You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them; and you preserve all of them; and the host of heaven worships you.”

Nehemiah 9:6


Sixth Grade: Students will study the earth, cells and organisms, matter and energy, astronomy, heredity, and the nervous and immune systems. Students will recognize God's hand in the creation of the earth. Hands-on activities and projects further their studies.


Life Science Grades 7-8

Students study the living world from a biblical worldview on organism classification, cellular biology, genetics, and the differences between Creation and evolution.  A firm foundation is then set for the chapters on microbiology, botany, zoology, and ecological relationships. Microscope techniques and dissections are part of this course.


Earth Science Grades 7-8

Students will find themselves on a quest to learn how the world works.  During this quest, students will find that Earth science is also a battle of worldviews. Students compare secular theories of origins to the affirmed conservative biblical view of Earth’s history shaped by Creation, the Fall, and the Flood. Learning about tectonic processes, landforms and earth materials, fossils, the oceans and waterways, the atmosphere, weather, climate and environmentalism, the solar system, the universe and cosmology, and space science from a Christian worldview shapes and strengthens the student’s understanding about God’s Creation.


Physical Science Grades 9-12

This course is a math-based overview of chemistry, physics and earth science presented from a biblical worldview.  Covers air, water, measurement, the atmosphere, hydrosphere, earth and lithosphere, predicting weather, physics of motion, electricity and magnetism, radiation and atomic structure, light and sound, and astrophysics. Lab experiments are part of this class. Pre-or Co-requisite: Algebra 1.


Biology Grades 9-12

This course is an introduction to the study of living things, the chemistry of life, cell structure and processes, cellular reproduction, genetics, ecosystems, creation vs. evolution, and the five kingdoms: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Animals, and Plants.  Students will perform experiments that include dissections.


Chemistry Grades 9-12

This course is the study of matter from a biblical worldview. The modules cover measurement and units, atoms and molecules, classifying matter and its changes, chemical equations, stoichiometry, atomic and molecular structure, polyatomic ions, molecular geometry, acids and bases, solutions, gas phase, kinetics, thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, energy and heat, and reduction-oxidation reactions. Lab experiments are part of this class.  Prerequisite: Algebra I; pre- or co-requisite Algebra 2.


Marine Biology Grades 9-12

Offered on alternating years, this course focuses on marine wildlife and habitats and covers biological kingdoms, microscopic organisms and their life cycles, marine creature anatomy, and ecosystems such as intertidal zones, estuaries, coral reefs, continental shelf and deep ocean communities.  Dissections and microscope labs are included. Prerequisite: Biology


Anatomy and Physiology Grades 9-12

Offered on alternating years, this advanced biology course covers the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Student will study the eleven organ systems in detail, including the reproductive system, with illustrations and descriptions. Prerequisite: Biology


SOCIAL STUDIES                                   

Mission Statement for the Middle and High School Social Studies program: The goal of middle and high school social studies is to equip students to recognize God’s sovereignty and His leadership of world rulers and to carry out the mission of the stewardship of His world. “He makes nations great, and he destroys them; he enlarges nations, and leads them away.” Job 12:23


Sixth Grade: This course will be a study of the world, past and present. Students will study the civilizations in Africa, Asia, the early Americas, and the Mediterranean Empires through the 21st century.


United States History Grades 7-8

Students cover American history from the first settlers to the modern-day America. Units include the Americas, creating a nation, launching the Republic, nationalism and sectionalism, Civil War and Reconstruction, reshaping the Nation, reform and empire, and the changes and conflicts that led to our present day nation. Students will analyze the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution and America's growing role in diplomatic relations. Students will also study the goals and accomplishments of the Progressive movement and the New Deal, the various factors that led to America's entry into World War II as well as the consequences of World War II on American life will. Finally, students study the causes and course of the Cold War, important economic and political changes during the Cold War, including the Civil Rights movement, and recent events and trends that have shaped modern-day America.


World History Grades 9-12

Historical understanding requires students to engage in historical thinking, raise questions, and marshal evidence in support of their answers. Students engaged in historical thinking draw upon chronological thinking, historical comprehension, historical analysis and interpretation, historical research, and decision-making. These skills develop through the study of significant historical substance from the focused era or society. Students explore the historical development of people, places, and patterns of life from ancient times until 1500 A.D. in terms of the impact on Western civilization.  In the first semester, the study of world history rests on knowledge of dates, names, places, events, and ideas.  In the second semester, students examine history from 1500 A.D. to the present with emphasis on Western Europe. They explore geographic influences on history; increasingly, attention shifts to political boundaries that developed with the evolution of nations, the ways in which scientific and technological revolutions created new economic conditions that in turn produced social and political changes and noteworthy people and events of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with strong connections to contemporary issues. .  The Bible integrates into World History through the study of major world religions and their histories; particular attention focuses on Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. Students study the Reformation, Martin Luther, the Counter Reformation and the spread of Christianity in a Biblical context.  


World Geography Grades 9-12

Geographic skills provide the necessary tools and technologies for thinking geographically and help people make important decisions in their daily lives, such as getting to  work and where to shop, vacation, or go to school. They also help people make reasoned political decisions and aid in the development and presentation of effective, persuasive arguments for and against matters of public policy. All of these decisions involve the ability to acquire, arrange, and use geographic information. Maps, graphs, sketches, diagrams, photographs, and satellite-produced images are essential tools of geography. Students study the world’s peoples, places, and environments, with an emphasis on world regions. They examine the world’s peoples and their cultural characteristics, landforms and climates, economic development, and migration and settlement patterns. Spatial concepts of geography provides a framework for studying interactions between humans and their environments. Using geographic resources, students employ inquiry, research, and technology skills to ask and answer geographic questions with emphasis on understanding and applying geographic concepts and skills to their daily lives The Bible integrates into World Geography through the study of major world religions and witnessing to adherents of other religions. Additionally, students learn that God created the world and man in His image and that God desires a personal relationship with his creation.


United States/Virginia History Grades 9-12

As a foundation to develop historical thinking skills, students will apply social science skills to understand the challenges facing the development of the United States. These skills support the investigation and evaluation of the fundamental political principles, events, people, and ideas that developed and fostered our American identity and led to our country’s prominence in world affairs. Virginia and United States History expands upon previously learned foundational knowledge and skills to include the historical development of American ideas and institutions from the Age of Exploration to the present. While continuing to focus on political, geographic, and economic history, students expand a basic knowledge of American culture through a chronological survey of major issues, movements, people, and events in Virginia and United States history. The Biblical concepts weave throughout VA/US History by recognizing that God is sovereign and is never surprised, that God plans the history of nations and all things that happen fit into His plans. God leads rulers when they look to Him for guidance and as informed, active citizens of the nation of the United States and the state of Virginia; we too should look to God for guidance in our personal life in all things.


United States/Virginia Government Grades 9-12 

Virginia and United States Government develops student knowledge to enable them to become a citizen that effectively participates in civic and economic life. Students learn to examine fundamental constitutional principles, the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, the political culture, the policy-making process at each level of government, and the characteristics of the United States economy. They understand the duties and responsibilities of thoughtful and effective participation in the civic life of an increasingly diverse democratic society, and effectively analyze the evolving political and economic roles of Virginia and the United States in the global community. The Bible integrates into this course through the study of God creation of the system of government that He placed above us. Students study Biblical principles found in the foundational documents that create the United States of America and how we express our beliefs through proper political action.




Mission Statement for Middle and High School World Languages: The goal of the World Languages program is to equip students to recognize that since the beginning of Creation God seeks clear and open expression of His love and greatness to mankind. They develop the written and oral skills to communicate in a foreign language, immerse themselves into a different culture, and confidently share the Good News that God wants a relationship with all peoples. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8


Introduction to Spanish Grades 7-8

This introductory course gives students the basic language tools for developing proficiency in using Spanish for communication.  Focus is on the development of basic and relevant vocabulary, simple grammatical structures and in an integrated approach to Hispanic cultures within a communicative approach. Students practice all the language skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking.


Spanish 1 Grades 9-12

Students in Spanish 1 will learn how to ask and answer questions, give and follow directions, purchase items, make small talk, and present the gospel.


Spanish 2 Grades 9-12

Spanish 2 students will learn to communicate at the intermediate level in a store, a bank, an airport, a hotel, a doctor's office, and an auto shop. They will have an overview of grammatical structure and learn Scripture passages. Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Spanish 1


Spanish 3 Grades 9-12

Spanish 3 further develops the student's mastery of vocabulary, oral communication skills, and grammatical structure with a focus on verb forms. Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Spanish 2






Mission Statement for Middle and High School Bible: The goal of the middle and high school Bible program is to teach students the essential doctrines of the Christian faith, how to live out their faith in Jesus through servant leadership and to defend their Christian beliefs through critical thinking and Biblical truths. “Jesus replied, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the great and first commandment.  And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’“ Matthew 22:37-39




Mission Statement for Middle and High School STEAM: The goal of the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) program is to stimulate student interest and understanding of digital technologies, to train students to master a craft in order to create effective work, and to use digital media as a platform for expression of their faith. “See, I have called by name Bezalel … and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship…to work in every craft.” Exodus 31:2-5




Mission Statement for Middle and High School Fine Arts: The goal of the Fine Arts program is that students will learn to praise and glorify our Creator through artistic self-expression and collaborative activities in a fun and engaging environment. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31


LIFE SKILLS                          


Mission Statement for Middle and High School Life Skills: The goal of the Life Skills program is to equip students with skills needed for effective service as Christian leaders, parents, employees and church volunteers. ” I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” Philippians 3:14


TYPING (6th-8th) Introduces keyboarding techniques (proper finger usage and body position) through hands-on touch typing. Learners are introduced to the QWERTY keyboard (alphabet, number and symbol keys).


LEADER IN ME (6th-8th) Leader in Me is an evidence-based, comprehensive model that builds leadership and life skills in students, creates a Christ-centered school culture, and lays the foundation for sustained academic achievement. The mission of this class is to unleash the God-given greatness within each student.


SERVICE & COMMUNITY (6th-12th) While completing community service projects, students develop real-world skills that will help them succeed in middle school, high school and beyond. The students will participate in projects that will impact our school such as seasonal visual aids around each campus, assisting in Christmas decorating, and determining, as well as leading, in our 100th day of school outreach program. When students get involved in community service they not only help others, they expand their worldview, develop leadership skills, and realize how their actions can have a positive impact.


COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (6th-8th) This course is project-based using Google and Microsoft Office to teach foundational computer literacy. Using a hands-on approach, students are engaged in meaningful, relevant activities to create presentations, blogs, videos, publications and more. Students will also learn keyboarding skills.


STUDY SKILLS (6th-8th) This engaging life skills class prepares middle school students for academic achievement by using the SOAR curriculum which is an acronym that outlines the basics of the curriculum. It stands for S – set goals O – organize A – ask questions R – record your progress The study skills SOAR curriculum teaches students to master the following critical study skills: identify their strength & learning style, set goals, establish priorities, manage their time, and more! These skills can improve their performance in school and their overall self-confidence.


SHINE GIRLS (6th-8th) Shine Girl is a unique personal development and group mentoring tool that uses a faith-based, practical, and experiential approach to learning. This program is founded upon the premise that every life counts and has intrinsic value, and fosters an awareness of this belief. As a result, girls are equipped to be confident in who they are in Christ.


ADVENTURES IN GARDENING (6th-12th) This class provides a unique opportunity for students to learn first-hand what a wonderful world God created! The students are actively involved in planting and caring for a garden. Adventures in Gardening will cover concepts such as: garden planning, seed starting, garden and soil preparation, seedling transplanting, watering and irrigation, and managing pests and weeds. Students will develop an understanding of the natural world when they are actively engaged in scientific inquiry.


GAMING (6th-8th) Playing video games fulfills a purpose in students’ lives. This could include gaming for: relaxation, opportunities to exert control, enjoyment, creativity, socialization, prevent boredom, challenge, and achievement. By using cooperative games, this class will explore a wide variety of techniques, tools, and topics. Games will include, but are not limited to, card games, Nintendo Switch games, board games, etc.


MATH LAB (6th-8th) With a hands-on approach, this class provides an opportunity to reinforce fundamental math concepts at the middle school level.


SCIENCE/STEM LAB (6th-8th) Students will engage in fun and exciting hands-on learning experiences through activities by designing and constructing a variety of models using STEM experiments and projects. Students collaborate to solve problems with a variety of materials that encourage them to become an active part of the learning process.


CHALLENGES FOR CHAMPIONS (6th-8th) In this brand new elective, students will spend time each week locked in competition in a creative, physical, or artistic surprise challenge of the day. Outwit! Outplay! Outlast!


INTRO TO ROBOTICS (6th-8th) Intro to Robotics is a class designed for students to begin learning the programming, electrical, and construction skills required to create effective mechanical projects. Students will complete a simple video game, experiment with light and sound, design a simple electronics game, and build and race a vehicle. Students may need to spend some time outside of class in order to complete their projects. Each student should bring a personal flash drive or SD card.


INTRO TO PRINT JOURNALISM (6th-12th) Print Journalism is the class that produces OakTree Academy’s yearbook. Students will spend time learning basic photography principles, interviewing techniques, and copywriting skills and will create a portfolio of their own work, in addition to publishing their work in the yearbook. Students will work in both Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop. Students should expect to take photos and interview other students on a routine basis. Each student should also bring a personal SD Card.


INTRO TO ROBOTICS II (8th) The second Robotics class is designed for students who have already taken the first intro course and are interested in developing their programming, electrical, and construction skills further. Students will complete a variety of projects, including a video game, a light and music show, a simple electronics game, and a vehicle. Students may need to spend some time outside of class in order to complete their projects. Each student should bring a personal flash drive or SD card.


INTRO TO ANIMATION (6th-12th) Intro to Animation is a class designed to teach students the basic principles and techniques of computer animation as they work through several projects, including animating an object, designing a character, and teaching that character to dance. Students may need to spend some time outside of class in order to complete their project. Each student should bring a personal flash drive or SD Card.


INTRO TO VIDEO JOURNALISM (6th-12th) Intro to Video Journalism guides students through various short video documentary techniques, developing planning, video production, and video editing skills. Student work is designed to air on the school news show Around the Oak and will be collected in each student’s portfolio. Students should expect some video will be shot and edited outside of class. Each student must bring a personal SD Card.


ART (6th-8th) The primary goal in this class is to promote a godly approach to both the practice and enjoyment of art among the students. The program develops interaction between student’s creative expressions and their appreciation for art. Classes encourage critical and creative problem solving skills and exposure and appreciation for historical and contemporary works of art. Students explore use of a variety of media such as pencils, colored pencils, markers, oil and chalk pastels, watercolor and acrylic paints, clay, and mixed media. Personal expression is highly encouraged - no previous experience is necessary. Students in grades 6-8 receive non-credit bearing assessment; assessments and work expectations for high school students are more rigorous with more accountability for credit.


PRAISE BAND (6th-12th) This elective emphasizes playing as an ensemble, as well as basic music theory such as the importance of harmony, melody and rhythm in vocals and playing an instrument. This elective emphasizes music for worship and stage performance. Students in grades 6-8 will receive non-credit bearing assessment; high school students will perform at a more advanced level in performance for credit bearing assessment.


THEATER ARTS (6th-12th) In this elective, acting is the emphasis. We will learn basic acting techniques including objective, obstacle, tactics, blocking, stage presence, ensemble building, pure improv, and audition techniques. This class is participation based and includes many drama activities and games to introduce and hone skills. Students in grades 6-8 will receive non-credit bearing assessment; high school students perform at a more advanced level in performance for credit bearing assessment.


PE FOUNDATIONS (6th-8th) In this elective, we will emphasize the importance of nutrition, longevity and overall physical child development, while focusing on basic motor skills to strengthen coordination. Progressing in this course, the students will understand the importance of taking care of our human body and doing one’s best for the glory of God. “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)


INTRODUCTION TO SPANISH (6th-8th) This introductory course gives students the basic language tools for developing proficiency in using Spanish for communication. Focus is on the development of basic and relevant vocabulary, simple grammatical structures and in an integrated approach to Hispanic cultures within a communicative approach. Students practice all the language skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking.


BIBLE (6th-8th) This elective is to teach students the foundational truths of the Bible and to know who Jesus is and what He has done for them. The goal of this class is to develop a desire in each student for a close relationship to Christ and increase their confidence in their relationship with Him so they may be bold witnesses of what He has done for them and stand up for the Word of God.


STUDY HALL (6th-12th) A period within the day that is set aside for the students to independently work on various assignments (projects, HW, etc).


HOMEWORK HELP (6th-8th) Students will be able to work on assigned projects, homework, prepare for assessments, etc with the ability to ask for help from the facilitator.

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